Profile Update Notes (Jesse)

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Next update September 2020

Today we focused on:

Talked a lot about recent times and how Leslie wants to have more relaxed classes and not do HW, but in class can try to slow down a bit and self correct.


audiobook – a book you can listen to
eg. I listen to audiobooks using de dao

prioritise – to make sth a priority / the most important
eg. I try to prioritise my health over money
eg2. in my last job I prioritised my job over my health

anxious – jiao lv
eg. I’m very anxious because of the Corona Virus

message (sth sb sends you / you read) / information (sth you can know)

tea leaf / tea leaves – cha ye

fill you up – to make you full
eg. I ate a cake to fill me up

exhibition – zhan hui

what?sorry? / what did you say? / what was that? 

quite a few = a lot
eg. I noticed today you corrected yourself quite a few times


I am really like the reading book I really like to read books 

I don’t want to use my times to reading that I don’t want to use my time to read that 

I’m thinking now / I’m reading now = zhen zai zuo
I have been reading all day = started in the past, still going now
I was reading at 5PM yesterday = past, period of time
Reading books is very interesting = verb noun to describe the process of the verb

I really like coffee 
I really like you
I really like reading books
Coffee is good
You are great
Reading is fun

they want to fast know – they want to know it quickly / learn it quickly 

50 yuans one month – 50 yuan each month / a month 

when the mornings when I work in the morning / when it is morning / during the morning / in the morning 

I am happy
I am relaxed 
I am good
I am very happy
I will be relaxed


cafe – ka fayÂ