VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


if have chance, i can join their meeting – the chance 

I can listening their meetings content – listen to 

it’s always relevant with the social – it’s always related to social 

which data is your want – which data is useful / which data you want / which data is the one that you want 

which hashtag the global consumers are not interested in

I forgot but I think I can’t quite remember but I think 


interaction (n) / interact (v) – hu dong

they bought the rights to the switch in the mainland

emote / emoji 

the color will run

overarching = “over ar ching” – general 

establish = create / make

preference = sth you prefer / like more than other things

environmentally friendly processes / conscious processes

eg. they should try to integrate the old with the new and innovate on it


account – a cow nt
now – naaooo

country – kun tree

fail = fay l
found = now / fow – now I found it
fund = fun