VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


1. 算了算了 我自己做吧(嫌弃别人做不好的感觉)
Em… / forget it / whatever / I give up I’ll do it by myself.
2. 别走啊 我们还没讨论完呢
Don’t move, we haven’t finished the talking yet. / we’re not done here yet / I’m not done with you
3. 点不点外面 想一下吃什么呢
Shall we order something to eat? What do you want? = how about we get some delivery (food)? What do you feel like?
4. 老板好烦 想法太善变了
The boss is so annoying, his ideas are always changing and unrealistic / impractical 
5. 我想静一静
I want to/need stay alone. / I want to be alone / leave me alone 
6. 男人都是一副德性(遇到问题时 抱怨男性都不靠谱 很无奈)
men are all the same / men all think with their ____
7. 心累 太难了
Heart is so tired, it’s too difficult. / i’m both physically and emotionally exhausted / I’m just … tired…
8. 表情包
emoji = emotion / ji = small thing
9. 现在就出发
I’m setting off now / I’m leaving now / I’m just on my way
Come down / Come on / You can come down now / come out
let’s go = let’s roll / let’s move out 
10. 别搞了 就这样
that’s it / that’ all / that’s OK / just like that is fine / it’s fine… 

Ethan = th – outside
Eason = sss – inside

I looked it up – cha zi dian / looked online / looked in a book = I checked in the dictionary
eg. I looked that word up

unrealistic = not possible / not believable

unreal = slang for cool! / awesome!

mobile game

minecraft – wo de shi jie
mine + craft