VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Homework – How Trump Answers a Question


dodgy – seems cheap, low quality, untrustworthy
eg. commercials 10 years ago were super dodgy

volcano – huo shan

volatile – hard to predict / may suddenly become intense

enact – to put sth into effect / to make a policy happen
eg. the local gov don’t want to enact the fed gov policies

we list down the specifics – we will specify 

delegate – assign jobs to people
eg. I need to delegate tasks to my staff

installments – paying a total amount in parts
eg. Are we able to pay this amount in installments of 5000 per month with the total payable within 3 months

lump sum – to pay the whole amount up front (right at first)
eg. we need to pay this as a lump sum

such like such as / like 

paranoid – 有妄想狂的
eg. she was really paranoid


procurement – pro cyur ment