VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


overwork = to work too much / stressed
eg. I’m really overworked at the moment
overtime = jia ban
work is over for today = finished

I over work – I am overworked
I am over work – I’m sick of work / I hate it

steamed meat bun – bao zi
steam bun – man tou

won ton – hun tun

yum cha – zao cha

my own things

intrusive – sth that gets into your privacy etc without you wanting
eg. NK policies would be very intrusive to the population

CCP – China Communist Party

Soviet Union – the old Russian Federation

plumbing – the pipes etc to carry water into and out of your house
eg. some houses in india wouldn’t have plumbing

“do unto others as you would have done unto yourself” = treat others as you wish to be treated


it’s really tired I’m really tired / It’s really tiring
eg. teaching is tiring = teaching makes me tired / I am tired because I was teaching all day

bored / boring
eg. this class is so boring …. I’m super bored