VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Godfather – jiao fu (Whiskey + Amaretto)


corona virus – COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019)

quarantine (v / n) – “kwar ren teen” / isolate (v)
eg. I needed to quarantine myself for 14 days / I needed to do a 14 day self quarantine

contagious – a sickness that you can give to other people
eg. the flu is very contagious but a headache is not contagious at all
eg2. he has a really contagious laugh

break out – to suddenly start and become a problem
eg. The virus broke out in Wuhan at the end of 2019

infect / infected / infection – gan ran

eg. I spray disinfectant on the table

flavor (chocolate, strawberry – specific)
eg. I had chocolate flavored ice cream but it tasted like coffee or something
taste – what you feel with your mouth 
eg. this tastes really sweet / this tastes like chocolate

sour – suan de
bitter – ku de

rich – very full of flavor
eg. this coffee is very rich

carbonated / carbonation / fizzy – tan suan de

ferment / fermentation – the process of making beer

flat – not carbonated
eg. I opened the beer but didn’t drink it for hours, so it went flat

keg – a big round box for beer / whiskey

intestines – fei chang
eg. i like to eat cow intestines

liver – gan
eg. I really like goose liver