VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


go out – doesn’t mean travel
leave shanghai / travel 

he got lost = he was lost 

5 grade – 5th grade / grade 5

needy (adj)
eg. my daughter was very needy as a kid
girly (adj)
chocolaty (adj) – like chocolate
eg. it is a chocolaty brown

lots of self esteem = good – think you are good, worth it – positive
lots of ego = think you’re the best, better than others, deserve things – negative


do it whole daydo it all day / spend the whole day / 1 whole day 

we 4 people – the 4 of us 

we together 5 people in Hawaiithe 5 of us / all 5 of us went to Hawaii together 

most of people – most people / most of the people in China

he was very lucky that day

a guy came herea guy came to me / came over 

here = the place you are now

he was responsible for


agent – ay jent

portfolio – por(t) fol lee yo