VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


Write about your week this week – what did you do, how did you feel? What will you do this weekend?

Next Class Focus

review this speaking:

It depends my work time, if my work time is very long I can’t play computer games, if I work off I play computer games maybe all day, maybe half of day.


complex / complicated – fu za
eg. Blockchain is a little complex

Technical / technology product
eg. I think most men like technology like mobile phones, computers, and gaming

Device – phone / ipad
eg. ipad is a popular device all over the world

Stable – wen ding de
eg. bitcoin isn’t very stable but we hope it will be in the future

I’m a coffee lover
I’m a big eater
I’m a big gamer / I’m really into games / I’m a big fan of RPG games

Common <  > rare
eg. Green tea is common in China but coffee is common in the west

Really? Is that right? Seriously? / no way!

I’m off work / I’ve finished work
I have a day off / I’m off today

How are you? / How’s it going / How’re you doing?

5 – Great / Really good
4 – Pretty good / Good
3 – Not bad / Good
2 – Fine / I’m OK
1 – Not great / Not very good

and you / how about you? / what about you?


at = point
on = day
in = month / year / period

Speaking exercise

Yesterday I sleep late, and I can’t sleep well so I should got up in 8 o’clock but I got up in 9 o’clock, so I late for a meeting and I have 3 meeting today and I from 1 place to another place and to another place. Today is very busy because I have 3 appointments and they were on the same day.

I go back to the Jingan temple and I eat my dinner and I come here because I must to study English.

It depends my work time, if my work time is very long I can’t play computer games, if I work off I play computer games maybe all day, maybe half of day.

Yesterday I slept late, and I can’t sleep well so I had to / needed to get up at 8 o’clock but I got up at 9 o’clock, so I was late for a meeting and I had 3 meetings today and I went from 1 place to another place and to another place. Today was very busy because I had 3 appointments and they were on the same day.

I went back to the Jingan temple and I ate my dinner and I came here because I needed to study English.