VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


get a loan – bank gives you money for a short time

I get to know you
I’m into you < > I’m not into you
I’m over you

app / platform – like dian ping

I tried to / I attempted to
eg. I attempted to teach Grace but she wouldn’t listen! ðŸ™

discount / special offer / special deal 

break even = don’t lose or make money / balance the books 

outdated / out of fashion
eg. this jacket that Jesse is wearing is out of fashion

confirm – que ding

When I met her every day she would change all the time / she used to change … – past

by my professional view – in my professional opinion 

potential client
you have a lot of potential 

revenue – money coming in
expense – money going out

economy (n) / economic (adj)
eg. the economic situation in China isn’t great at the moment

booming – going up / getting strong quickly 
– economy getting slower (session)
depression – economy becoming really low (pressure) – depressed

grow (get bigger) < > shrink (get smaller)

N – Never / North
E – Eat / East
S – Soft / South
W – Watermelon / West
like a clock – up, to right, down, left. (clockwise)

connections – guan xi
eg. he has a lot of connections in Vietnam

stable – not changing too much too quickly / safe
eg. the economy is really stable these days

go bankrupt – have nothing
go into debt – minus money (“det”)

destiny – your future


economy – ee CON no mee
economic – eh kon NOM mick

photograph – FO toe graf
photography – foe TOG grafee
photographer – foe TOG graffer

ancient – “ayn shent” 


I‘m not really like you – not similar to you
I don’t really like you – bu xi huan

eat / ate 
dance / danced