VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


yum cha – dian xin / zao cha

she’s due in February = have the baby in Feb
the project is due next week = should be finished / deadline

finished my job – finished my work 

job = project / task / position
eg. I like my job = position
eg2. I finished the job that my boss gave me = task

important – crucial (kroo shel) / key / integral (in TEH grul)

we funnel everything through to our boss – your staff give to you, you collect data, you pass it to your boss etc.

viable (doable) / feasible (cost effective / cheap enough)
eg. I think this project, at this cost, is not feasible for 2019.

tight knit group / team – communicate, work together closely

above and beyond – more than the minimum / standards
eg. if staff go above and beyond their positions they will get a promotion

change your mind to be like a boss – put yourself in your boss’ shoes 

mind – way of thinking / attitude / perspective
eg. as I grow up, my perspective changes

no chance to practice – there is no chance
eg. there is no chance to practice in my current job

major – main subject at university

trade company – mao yi gong si


we can continue for this way – in this way 

it means nothing to her