VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

My name is Jieling and I’ve been working as an interior designer in Shanghai for 5 years.

Space for me is not a pure, abstract void. I believe that space cannot be discussed without people, and emotions.

and I’d really love to be able to explore narrative architecture further in my master’s studies.

My exploration into this topic started with a memory that I have from a nightmare I used to have as a kid.

Even now, I can really vividly remember the emotions I had back then.

I looked up many theories about dreams and I learnt that dreams are the responses of emotions in real life, and the images in dreams are from memories

So, I tried to analyze the spatial qualities of these emotions

and experiment with how to express and recreate them in a spatial sequence

To continue with my interest in narrative architecture, I created a story to comment on structural inequality in South Korean society based on scandals in the K-pop industry.

With the unfolding of the story, a series of spaces emerged

that showed the suppression, anger and diminished hope of people in the fictional dystopia.

So, all in all, I’m looking to experiment with the emotive potential of space through narratives.

And I believe space is not a passive container, but it has the ability to encourage and influence people, who are increasingly suffering from the psychological burden of modern life.