VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Today we focused on:

reviewed a PPT from work


after – following 

from knowing / by knowing…. you can work out / you are able to know the…. 

then you can get / in order to work out / in order to calculate / which can allow you to calculate 

because – due to the fact that / since / as 

they have much easier access to

equal to or more than 1 year / equal to or greater than 

greater china = all of china


cause / we can treat the cause / the root cause / the root 

from our interviews with KOLs we found that 93% of patients use the treatment for symptomatic…

accurately – to be correct
eg. we need to first accurately assess the root cause of the symptom

how many people – the number of people / the quantity / the amount…

recurrent (adj)/ relapse (v) / reoccurring (adj) / recurrence (n) – sth that happens again and again

skills for a consultant: proactive / high executive ability / adaptable / faster learner / passionate learner 

thankless work – no one appreciates you, you just need to work hard

recent graduates


literature – “lich chri chure” / “lit er ra chur”

statistics – “stat TIS ticks” 

preliminary – “pree LIM min nair reee” 

pipeline – “pieep lieeen”