VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


thongs – Australian style tuo xue

I’m wearing thongs – tuo xue
I’m wearing a thong – underwear

dress code = the rules for the clothes you wear

blacklist / block
eg. they block certain websites so you can’t visit them. I’m sure they have a particular reason for doing it, but I don’t know what it is.

cover your eyes
block your ears

I find it confusing / ridiculous 

perspective – (viewpoint) way of looking / understanding sth
eg. My perspective on China is as a foreigner

regular – constant / normal (continuous and therefore common)
regulation – sth that controls things to make them all the same

literally / literal – real / fact
eg. You sometimes act like a child which you have done since you were literally a child.

press / media – news

portray – to show / act / make others see
eg. Jesse portrays himself as a smart and good person, but deep down he is evil

tuck – go into a tight environment
tuck sb in – when your parents help you get comfortable in bed at night
eg. my mum and dad tucked me in at 8PM and read me a story

“to have a bone to pick with sb” – to have a problem with sb you want to confront them about

guilty (did sth wrong) < > innocent / pure (did nothing wrong or had no experience)

fiddle – to play with sth bcs of boredom
eg. when I’m nervous I always fiddle with my ring

certain things = specific things = particular things

confronting – difficult / gives you stress
eg. foreigners confronting (approaching / coming to talk to) me on the street is confronting 

slump – to sink down
eg. I was slumped in my chair because I was so drunk / the economy is in a slump