VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

review any ppt or email that she brings.

Today we focused on:

did a lot of business conversation and some bbc news reading.


meditation – ming xiang

ankle – lower part of your leg

business needs / requirements 

how to sayyou know / let me see 

stress / pressure
eg. I have a lot of pressure but because I clean my house a lot, I don’t feel stressed

it’s not the “be all and end all” = not the most important thing


suitable to our business suitable for our business 

I need to management the products – manage


them – eh / egg 

millennial“mil LEN nee al”


I need to have a milestone of the project.I need to work out the milestones of the project.

I need to have a big picture of how it will goes.I need to have a big picture perspective / mindset of how it will go 

I need to talk to them and collect their requirements. – i need to work them to gather their requirements 

to see our customer real needsthe real needs of our customers 

We need to make the analysiswe need to do the analysis / we need to analyse sthÂ