VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Today we focused on:

focused on simple conversation and self correction and using which / that / who to add details


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As per the above sentence, please do your homework.

stay true to myself – do things that follow my true personality / self
eg. I want to stay true to myself at work and focus on my strengths

we’re in the same timezone

detail focused < > big picture
eg. she’s a detail focused manager / I’m a big picture kind of boss

accept – jie shou
eg. I can accept my boss yelling at me because she is so good at her job

look up to sb / admire – want to be like them
eg. I really admire her / I look up to her because she’s so smart

tennis court
football field
basketball court
golf course
swimming pool 

sashimi – ci shen

carbs – tan shui hua he wu

Thai (adj) – tai guo ren / de

exclusive – very rare and so very popular / wanted 
eg. this restaurant is quite exclusive

in advance – before sth
eg. we need to order the food in advance

eg. I had a great meal with my friends = I had a great time eating with my friends
eg2. I went to MCD and got a meal = I went to MCD and got a burger, chips and a drink
eg3. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day = Breakfast is my favourite type of food / period of time to eat
eg. Tomato / Fried egg is a Chinese dish = a plate of food with a name


if she don’t satisfied if she’s not satisfied 

before i worked the company is smallthe company that i worked at was small 

they don’t have work qualitythey aren’t good at their jobs


singapore – sing a poor 

thee / thay

they – “thay”

chef – “shef”