VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]

Speaking exercise

I played a game. I winned and the other student lose and the game is one people use a line. The line is on the floor and the other one will catch it. If the other one catch it, he win, and I catch it, I beat he.

I played a game. I won and the other student lost and the game is one person uses a line which is on the floor and the other one tries to catch it. If the other one catches it, they win, but if I catch it, I beat them / the person who uses the line.


Win – won
Lose – lost

Person = 1
People = 2+

Diet – the things you eat
eg. Fruit, vegetables, meat are all in my diet

Supper / dinner

Prefer – to like sth more than sth else
eg. I prefer pizza over mice but the cat prefers mice over pizza.

The bicycle almost hit me but I used my umbrella as a shield

Instinct – sth you know to do from when you are a baby
eg. Carl’s instinct was to run away when the car was going to hit him

Get a shot / vaccinate

Protein – dan bai zhi

Carnivore < > herbivore
eg. Cats and dogs are carnivores but rabbits are herbivores.