VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

extract (v) – ex TRACT
eg. you extract the liquid from the egg

extract (n) – EX tract / excerpt / passage
eg. i read an excerpt online about that…

extraction (n) – the process of extracting

retract – take it back

dialogue – a written record of a conversation

explanatory (adj)
eg. that is self explanatory
explanation (n)
eg. that’s a good explanation

pay attention to


do weights

it runs in the family


versatile / flexible

from what we can tell / from what we can see here

is now a good time for that? is now a good time for you?

i was under the impression that….. could you advise on what changes you were planning on making to the prices in the table?

we felt that you had indicated in your previous email that… / we understood based on your previous email that…

it needs a fee / it will incur a fee / it will need an additional cost / there will be additional costs associated with this

satisfied with quality / if so, instead of another round of sample… would you be happy with…?



Ok as long as you understand that…

Was there any particular reason for this change…?
