VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


post / content / article 
eg. I want to post the article / content on my wechat account
eg2. I want to publish the post / article / content on my account

moments / friend’s circle / wechat
eg. I posted it on / to my wechat

specific / particular
eg. there is a particular way that you need to write your content

i don’t want to limit it

study / paper – scientific publication

very interesting / fascinating 

quickly / soon after 

time consuming – takes a lot of time
eg. doing wechat or social media is very time consuming

involved – takes a lot of attention, effort, knowledge
eg. social media is very involved

differentiate myself – make myself different from others


related with this thingrelated to this thing

in the same hours if they all have the same amount of sleep / number of hours of sleep 


analytical – a na LIT tickal
analysis – an NAL li sis
analyst – AN nal ist