VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


deep dive – to go into sth deeply and learn all about it
eg. I want to have a deep dive into the social media industry

backupplan B 

affect / impact – ying xiang
eg. I don’t think it will impact my job (negative)
eg2. I don’t think it will affect my job (neutral – neither positive nor negative)

do it on the side / a side job / a job on the side

swipe – shua / hua
eg. i swiped my card to open the door – shua
eg2. I swiped up on my phone – hua

post – wen zhang
eg. I posted a post to my wechat

stable / set – gu ding / wen ding

bloody – f$#k
eg. It’s bloody hot today!


official – announced /real
professional – polite / clean / business
original – normal / first

capture the moment

caption – subtitle for a photo
eg. I want to take photos and write captions for them

time consuming – it takes a lot of your time
eg. playing majiang is very time consuming

piece of art (normal) / work of art (high level)

early last year – Jan – March last year / at the start of last year

shareholders – people who own part of a company / investors
eg. our company’s shareholders want us to expand

gamble – to put money in so you can MAYBE get more money later
eg. poker is a form of gambling / some men love to gamble

tile – “cards” in majiang


board game
eg. we used to play board games a lot when we were kids


i heard a news about it – I heard some news / a piece of news

one of the reasons is