VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


sarcasm (n) / sarcastic (adj) – you say the opposite of what you mean as a way of making a point

i was surprised I couldn’t believe it / I was shocked 

blindly confident – confident for no reason
eg. she was blindly confident

common sense – things that everyone should know
eg. it’s common sense that we need a computer version – everyone else knew to do it, why didn’t you?

confirm the mistaketake responsibility for the mistake 

“you can run but you can’t hide”

single-celled – an organism that only has 1 cell

gossip – to talk about other people for fun / talk about sb behind their back
eg. girls often like to gossip

stone-cold Jessica!

Jeje : baby devil robot 

nickname – a short name
eg. Jesse’s nickname for Jessica is Jeje

official – real / announced / set


every doctor didn’t make the same mistakeno doctor made the same mistake 

we need to in charge of the process – we need to be in charge of the process

we like to talk jokewe like to joke around