VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


cook – dinner / pizza / dumplings / fried rice
make – coffee / tea / cake / drink

barista – the person who makes the coffee
eg. I asked the barista to give me a latte with less milk

barrister – lawyer

bartender – a person who makes drinks at a bar

experiment – shi yan
eg. the siphon coffee is like a scientific experiment

skim milk – low fat milk
skim – to go along the top of some liquid
eg. I skimmed a rock on the lake

customise / customize
eg. I like to customize my coffee

agency – zhong jie
eg. I sent my house to a real estate agency

mark – shows sth / a small something
sign – sth that warns you / informs you

interchange / transfer – to change from 1 type of transport to another

phonetics (old) / phonics (new)

economy – country finance

strengths (good) < > weaknesses (bad)


can told can tell
should toldshould tell
must told must tell  

i can listeningI can listen 

not noisy to the neighborhoodis not noisy / doesn’t bother the neighbors with noise 

it’s really my home that’s my true home / real home 

make it really good nice / comfortable 

it was not good for his businesshis business development was not very good / his business wasn’t going very well


latte – la tay 
cafe – ka fay