VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

14. Describe what your life would be like if you were banned from using your cell phone for a month.

15. If given the opportunity to participate in a free class this weekend, which of the following would you choose :public speaking, starting your own business, or photography ?and why?

12. Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids: Being selfish, saying impolite things, or speaking loudly in public?

I think – I feel / I believe / In my opinion

the environment of his growing – he was growing up in / his childhood environment 

long lasting – in the long term – forever 

it’s up to – decision
it depends on – rely

he? why not they / he or she 

13. Do you think a boss or a manager should or should not form a close relationship with their employees?

if you could be the friends with your staffif you could be friends with your staff

colleagues / staff
my colleagues = the people that I work with
staff = people below me in my team / employees

subordinate = my staff / my team / my guys / the people under me

on purpose – it was not an accident

deliberately – normal situations – directly / tried / wanted

equal – on the same level / as equals
eg. I deal with them as equals
eg2. I deal with them like we’re on the same level

I very care about my private life I really care 

I don’t mix business with pleasure – I don’t let my personal life into my business

coffee barcafe 

it’s very tired it’s very tiring 

we don’t delightwe get disappointed / we don’t like it / we’re unhappy / we’d rather not / we don’t enjoy it 

decent – good enough / good / not bad

satisfactory = good enough (adj)
satisfying / boring / annoying / tiring = describe how things make you feel
eg. man this drink is so satisfying / so refreshing
satisfied / bored / annoyed / tired = your emotion

obedient – to follow sb totally