VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review


de – un / go back
tox – toxicity / toxic – poison


eat salad as you eat salad as you do 

lose her weight – lose weight

same age of mine – you are the same age as me

same as < > different to


estrogen (female) < > testosterone (male)

male = man / boy 
female = woman / girl 

male cat
female cat

cervical cancer

carbs – tan shui
eg. I try not to eat too many carbs

absorbed – to take sth in / gain sth
eg. I absorb a lot of knowledge in Jesse’s amazing class

fasting – bi gu

breakfast – to stop not eating
break – stop
fast – not eat

meal replacement – dai can

weak (adj) / weakness (n)

*sneeze*, excuse me / sorry
bless you / god bless you
thank you / thanks

energetic – to have lots of energy
eg. if you’re very active you will feel energetic

spine – bone of your back

lower spine / lower back is straight

curve – not straight

lead / guide the conversation – to make sb follow and be comfortable