VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


every doctor have …- every doctor has to fill out the form

I’m too youngertoo young / I’m relatively young 


let me start over – start again
eg. Oh I think I made a mistake, let me start over

bring the patient to your attention – to pay closer attention to sth

update – to change and add the latest data

dummy data – fake data

exactly badsuper bad / incredibly bad / amazingly bad / so bad / terrible!

It is exactly 6:40 PM / we have exactly 20 minutes left

I was surprised / I couldn’t believe it / I was amazed / I was shocked 

credibility (n)
eg. it affects our credibility and other hospitals may think we’re bad
credit (n)
credible (adj) – trustworthy
eg. Jessica is a credible person – we can trust what she says

persist – continue / constant
eg. My headache persists. I got it last night and I still have it now.
insist – not change / stubborn
eg. I insist that you must do your homework tonight.

terrible / terror – feeling of fear = very bad
horrible / horror – dirty / scary / bloody / death….. = very bad

I need his registrationI need him to update the record 

the chief had a dilemma / he was in a dilemma / he was torn

desk-mate – the student sitting next to you

soldier – someone who fights in an army
eg. Jessica is a soldier fighting against an army of old bad doctors

baggage – life experience / responsibilities that make life hard
eg. divorced people often have a lot of baggage

give him a shower 


first of all – firstuval

values – val youz

virus – veye rus 

speak – ee