VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Kurzgesagt In a Nutshell – bilibili – watch the video about Homeopathy – discuss next class


strategy – strah teh gee

technology – teck noh leh jee


it’s very struggleit’s a struggle (n) / i have been struggling (v)

i read an article these days – I read an article recently.
I have been working really hard recently = I am working really hard these days 

these days – now (grammar). recently (meaning)


eg. we had to sign a non-compete

sleeping pill – medicine to help you sleep

melatonin – chemical that makes you sleep
eg. caffeine blocks your ability to store melatonin

anti-inflammatory – ibuprofen

placebo – an wei ji
eg. some Chinese medicine may be a placebo

fall asleep – go to sleep
eg. it’s really hard to fall asleep

inhale (breathe in) < > exhale (breathe out)