VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


pay attention onto 

we need to keep us healthy – ourselves 

we fewer chat with each other – We chat with each other a little / less 

I have less time to doI don’t have much time 

there aren’t many 24K gold rings


uncountable < > countable

eg. I have countless friends = I have soooooo many friends

work out – exercise

metro / subway / train / underground – di tie

environment – huan jin

every people everyone

tired / tiring
eg. I am tired because working out is tiring

peace / peaceful
eg. swimming is so peaceful. I want to have more peace in my life.

mirror – jing zi

eg. if you look in the mirror you can see your own reflection


now – “naaao”

naaa oooo


exercise – ex ser size (3 sounds)

can help us
english teacher

and just when I
an jus when I

definitely – defin eh lee

I think it’s just

I think it’s just ||||||  that the English teacher ||||| can help us.

I don’t want to have too much pressure

day – daaeeee

up / bug / bed / bin / people
at / fat / take / feed / week