VIP Class Notes (Jesse)



the characters have a little meaning change – there is a little difference between the characters

it impact to the kid – it impacts the kid / it has an impact on the kid  


enhance / upgrade – make better

creativity (n)
eg. I think Japanese people have a lot of creativity


tracing – to track a number of a phone and find the location
eg. we will trace the call

goes in one ear and out the other = to forget immediately after hearing it

something’s gota give / you can’t have your cake and eat it too = you can’t have everything you want – usually you need to give up something so you can get what you really want


gloves – “gluvz” 

I like Japanese people pretty much – I like Japanese people quite a lot / a bit / a little / so much 

You love German? Pretty much = basically yes

find someone that likes the same group with me the same group as me / as I do