VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


how do you get around? 

public transport – bus / subway 
– the situation of the cars, buses, trucks on the road

crowded – too many people in 1 place
eg. Sh is always crowded in the mornings from 6-8AM

traffic jam – too many cars on the road
eg. there is a traffic jam so I will be late

the traffic is really bad 

my schedule is packed (with meetings) / full of meetings

root cause – reason
since – because / as

drivers licence – jia zhao
eg. I don’t have my Chinese drivers licence

jerk – a person who is not nice / mean person

sissy – sb you think is really weak and small

runt – sb / animal that is really small

there are other tools which can be stored …

corporate (adj)
eg. our corporate team is based in the HQ (headquarters)

corporation (n) – a big company


on weekends / on the weekend

roughly planrough plan

you do something is not wellyou don’t do something well / you do something poorly


mechanism – “meck kan nizm”