VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the words from today in some writing about a topic that you’re comfortable with.


bi = 2
cycle = go around
bicycle = 2 things going around

tricycle = a bike with 3 wheels

triangle – san jiao xing

cycle – to go around
eg. I will cycle my socks

recycle – sth you can use again after throwing it away

replay / reply / review

coward – no ruo – sb who is not brave, easy to get scared.
eg. he is a coward

character – jue se

flaw – a problem you have / a problem with sth
eg. my computer has a flaw



believe you
trust you
eg. I always believe people when they tell me their names. I don’t trust people if I don’t know them very well.
eg2. I always believe my father’s promises
eg3. I trust that I can learn English well

eg. I will go out tonight unless it rains.
eg2. I will play with my classmates unless I haven’t finished all the homework

eg. I lived in Australia until 2012
eg2. I studied in school until February / Every day I study in school until the teacher says I can go home.


read his title we can take a crazy mother – read his introduction we can see he had a crazy mother…

I very like mystery novelI really like mystery novels 

I very like you / I am very hot
I really like you / I am really hot 

invite (v) / invitation (n)

he invite 9 people come an islandhe invited 9 people to come to an island
I am here to study
I go to Japan / I go to work / I go to a cafe
I come here / I go there / I go home / I come home 

reason (原因)
to + verb
for + noun
eg. I buy a cake to give you.
eg2. I buy a cake for your birthday.

everyone all have problemseveryone has problems / each person has problems


say – ss aaaeeeee
see – ssseeeee

say – sayyy

said – sed

says – sez
eg. the man says he is happy – “the man sez he is happy”

fat – short “a”