VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


stray – a homeless cat

skittish – easy to be scared, run away

examiner – the test giver

income – money coming in
eg. my income is around 10,000 RMB a month

intake – anything coming in
eg. the university starts their student intake over the next 2 months

control their caloriescaloric intake

him / her / them – remember you can use “them” for 1 person or more than 1 if you’re not wanting to say whether they’re male or female

as opposed to / rather than / instead of
eg. I drink tea as opposed to coffee generally

it always disturbed me – like interrupted me
make me disturbed – makes me confused, upset, angry, weird…


there is no grammar mistakes – there are no grammatical mistakes

how to say how do I say / how do you say? 

Speaking exercise

uncorrected first try at TOEFL answer

i will give her 2 advices, the first thing is to control her diet, she should eat more in the morning and more at lunch but not so much in the evening. Content of the diet should be paid attention to, as more meat as possible but not so much rice and wheat – the 2nd advice would be do more exercises, she doesn’t do exercises yes as far as I know, so 60 minutes exercises is good to keep a good figure. …… she can join me, if she can take both the advices from me i’m pretty sure can have the figure she wanted.