VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


toaster / string / door handle / measuring tape / come off / dresser / mattress / stairs

Hello / Hi / Gday mate (Australian) / Good day friend

How are you? / How are you going? / How are you doing? / How’s it going? / Haazz i gaaaaan? (Australian)

5 – great / really good / super
4- good / pretty good / quite good 
3- not bad / alright / good 
2- fine / OK
1- not great / not good / bad

And you? / What about you? / How about you? / You? 

Writing exercise


Mr Bean is eating popcorn which is sweet when (while) he is watching tv but he has a toothache which hurts him a lot. He eats one bag of popcorn while he is checking his tooth in the bathroom he feels a lot of pain he is in the kitchen when he puts some salt in the water and then he mixes it he puts the entire salt shaker into the cup of mixture and then mixes again. After that he gargles and spits the salt water out into the sink.

Mr Bean is eating popcorn which is sweet when he is watching tv but he has a toothache which hurts him a lot. He eats one bag of popcorn. While he is checking his tooth in the bathroom he feels a lot of pain. He is in the kitchen when he puts some salt in the water and then he mixes it (together). He puts the entire salt shaker into the cup of mixture and then mixes again. After that he gargles and spits the salt water out into the sink.


Mr Bean is eating popcorn which is sweet when he is watching TV but he has a toothache. He eats one bag of popcorn while he is checking his tooth in the bathroom he feels a lot of pain. He is in the kitchen when he puts some salt in the water and then he mixes it. He puts the entire salt shaker into the cup of water and then he mixes. After that he gargles and spits the salt water out into the sink.

Mr Bean is eating popcorn which is sweet when he is watching TV but he has a toothache. He eats one bag of popcorn. While he is checking his tooth in the bathroom he feels a lot of pain. He is in the kitchen when he puts some salt in the water and then he mixes it. He puts the entire salt shaker into the cup of water and then he mixes more / further. After that he gargles and spits the salt water out into the sink.

While I was opening the tap I was washing dishes. – While I was turning the tap on / turning on the tap I was washing dishes

My mother open the tap and washed her hair which her hair is dirty. – My mother turns on the tap and washes her hair which is dirty.


journal – like a diary but not for kids

specifically – to say something very clearly

jerk – someone who is not very nice to you

sissy – someone you think is really weak like a baby

open (have space) < > close (no space)
eg. open the door

turn on < > turn off – computers, tv, phone, light etc
eg. turn on the light