VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


i like use weibo very muchI’m really into weibo / using weibo / I’m a big fan of weibo

social media – wechat, weibo, tiktok..

it’s not worth it / it’s not worth the time / it’s not worth the money 

worthy = deserve
eg. Jesse is worthy of your attention = I’ve done sth to earn sth

musical – a movie with singing / songs
eg. Alladin is a famous musical

my father started balding – losing his hair


effective / in effect
eg. it’s a really effective treatment
eg2. the rules will be in effect next year

CPR / chest compressions 
eg. I will start chest compressions in 10 seconds

they are clean shaven – no hair on face
eg. many Chinese men stay clean shaven most of their lives

dessert – sweet food you eat after dinner


Canadian – can NAY dee yan 

entertainment – en ter TAIN ment

peet sa = pizza 

dessert – sweet food you eat after dinner – de ZERT

desert – DE zert – hot place