VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the words from today in some writing about your day. Make sentences with “and then” + because , but , so , and.



I got up at 8 o’clock then I ate some noodles for breakfast, and I went to work.

I get up at 8 o’clock  and then I eat some noodles for breakfast and I go to work.

eat / ate / eaten
wake / woke / woken
take / took / taken 

at time – point (dian)
on day – thing (on top)
in month / year – inside (long time / big thing)


加 “e” 在后面 = 长的 AEIOU

plan – plan
plane – playn

ban – a
bane – A

tim – i
time – I

hom – o
home – ohhhh