VIP Class Notes (Jesse)



she was working with me before / she used to work with me

she couldn’t believe how much she enjoyed your class

they had run / had been running their studio for 25 years

repossessed – to take property back from the renter / owner
eg. the owner of the building repossessed it

evicted / kicked out / forced to move 
eg. he was evicted because the owner was planning on redeveloping the building

inherit / inheritance / inherited
eg. Alex inherited

trust fund baby 

if they can branch out / expand into other areas

Alex – al licks

turned around to the sideways turned sideways / turned to the side 

diligent – hardworking / care

if I can feel it the students can definitely feel it.

you’ll make the fare back while you’re here

eg. he speaks in a robotic way

eg. he became celibate

problematic – commonly causes problems / problems are frequent


sexual drive / sex drive

give somebody the benefit of the doubt / give you … / give me … – don’t react negatively unless you’re sure their intentions are negative / hold judgement as a default

cabinet – gui zi