VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Do some more writing but focus on not making Chinese sentences. If you think it’s Chinese, ask yourself “how do i say that in a simple English way?â€. Use this to help:

[ Main Idea + Details ] ___CONJUNCTION___ [ Main Idea + Details ]

[ I come to Smart English + to study English + with Jesse ]__BECAUSE __[ I think English is important + for me + to improve myself. ]



arrange a meeting / meetup
eg. I will first arrange a meetup with him and then I’ll get back to you

injured (v) / injury (n)
eg. I injured my foot. It’s a really bad injury.

stroke – zhong feng

rapid = fast
eg. education is a rapidly growing industry in China

cognitive – adj.  relating to conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering)

the research helps to inform our decisions

they are hardhardworking


when we beginning to start this workwhen we are beginning this job / work / project / at the start of this project we… 

I also should to know that I also should know that 

I need to / want to / have to
I can / I should / I must

how big a part of your job is research? = what percentage of your job is research?


lifestyle – liiieeeef stiiieeeell

create – cree yay t

creative – cree ay tiv

client – cliiieee yennt