VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


they are so annoying – ma fan

his wife gave birth / his daughter was born – think “the mother gives the birthday to the kid”

i did some online research / research online 

before going to Switzerland / before she went to Switzerland

decoration – sth you add to make it look nicer

indicator / turn signal – “tik tok tik tok” when you turn in the car
eg. I hate it when people don’t indicator / don’t use their indicator

horn / beep
eg. I beeped my horn at him

flash my lights
eg. if they don’t indicate I flash my flights at them

unlucky (adj) / I don’t have much luck

600 wan – change! 6 million
60 wan – 600 hundred thousand – jia yi ge ling!
6 wan60 thousand – jia yi ge ling! 


pregnant – preg nant