VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


a patient was discharged 3 months ago


trisomy 13 – the problem Jesse’s brother’s son has

she made something wrong – she did something wrong / she made a mistake 

care worker

check it – professional / formal – see if a problem
check it out – casual / have a look / go and see

seal the record – keep it from being changed / destroyed / released

he is legal – innocent / his behavior is legal 

tight knit – a very close community
eg. we are a tight knit industry / community / the medical community is very tight knit

go down the stairs to the next level / floor (down)

the restaurant is on the floor down from us / on the floor below us

stairwell / staircase 

elevator / lift 

high heels

masculine = like a man
feminine = like a woman
eg. I am more feminine than my twin brother


months – not “thez”

allowed – allowd