VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


warmed it up / heated it up

fasting – bi gu
eg. I fasted for 3 months

breakfast – to break your fast – to stop not eating

intermittent fasting

intermittent – on and off
eg. my computer has intermittent problems

meditation – ming xiang

digestive system – xiao hua xi tou
eg. my digestive system is a bit weird after eating too much spicy food

metabolism – the speed of processing food to make energy
eg. I have a fast metabolism but it’s getting slower as I get older

throw up / vomit – tu

carry me to the doctor

IV / drip 
eg. the doctor gave me a drip / an IV of a saline solution because I couldn’t eat

medical clinic / practice

soon (future) – quickly (a short time after anytime)

confronting – sth really difficult to deal with that makes you feel / worry / consider a lot
eg. a spider on the table in front of you is very confronting.
eg2. I find confronting people really hard

trypophobia – a fear of holes

escalator – like stairs – S is like a stair
elevator –
up and down – l is up and down

poultry – bird meat

anesthetic – ma yao / anesthesiologist (n)
eg. he didn’t give me any anesthetic for my operation

psychologist / counselor
eg. I want to go see a psychologist to talk about my problems

I exercise a lot / I work out a lot

carbs / carbohydrate – tan shui

cholesterol – 胆固醇

paranoid / paranoia
eg. I’m a little paranoid


I’m still a kidI was still a kid at that time