VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Dear Riyo,

Thanks so much for getting in contact with me.

I’m afraid that since 2017 when we discontinued our cooperation with Carotrans, another agent was nominated by EOHQ, who we are working with on an ongoing basis.

It may be a better idea for you to contact EOHQ regarding this matter should you wish to follow it up further.

Best Regards,

Writing exercise

Go straight to the intersection,crossing the road and turn left. Take along with street and take your second crossing.keep going to the end ,Portman hotel is on your left .

Go straight to the intersection, crossing the road and turn left and keep going along the street and cross the road at the 2nd intersection / go through the 2nd crossing and keep going to the end. Portman hotel is on your left .


in the morning / afternoon / evening – a group of hours
at night – because the point when the sun is gone
during the day / in the daytime – because it’s long, we live in this time

I went to the shops, buying many things, and then went home.


bully – qi fu ren

graduate – bi ye

go through – guo shi zi lu kou

keep going along – follow straight

cross the road / go across the road 

take a holiday / take a break – you choose to do it

joined this company – become part of the company
join in the party / join in the game – play together

get married – become married

get pregnant – become pregnant

give birth – chu sheng – you can think the mother gives the birthday to the baby 

I will go on a cruise next month and we will board at 5AM on Monday in Shanghai.

I forbid (strong) / don’t allow (soft) my daughter from eating dinner without washing her hands.
I force (strong) / request (soft) her to keep the house clean,

How old is your daughter now?

Why do you think she is like her father?

She is like her father – xiang
She likes me – xi huan
eg. she’s like me = she has a similar personality, habit, interests…
eg2. she likes me = she loves me


colleague – col leeg
colleagues – col leegz

NRL / NBA – Basketball League 

experience – ecks peer ree yenss