VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


drop everything
eg. my boss asked me to drop everything and go on the trip

by my ownI do my own things / I do things by myself 

on my own = alone = by myself

a family is a group of people including everyone that’s a blood relative

there are 100 people in my family and we can separate them into different families. The family of Shanghai, the family of SiChuan

fell to me
eg. everyone said no so it fell to me to go

there’s no one went to haikou – there’s no one who wanted to go to kaikou 

team players – members of the team 

a team-player – sb who has a positive team-work focused attitude of cooperation

separate cars into different groups that would be designated to certain vehicles

even < > odd 

exitableinevitable / unavoidable 

during our childhood / during our time of development into adulthood 

childhood < adolescence < adulthood < retirement

values / your place in the world / attitude 

long lasting effect / enduring effect on your personality / lasting effect

leading by example / modeling correct behavior

in the foreign countries other countries / the rest of the world / the west / asia 

they don’t try to control them / get involved

break out of the lower class / break out of poverty / break through

have good grades / marks 


she asked me for help

my families are inmy family / my relatives

Next Class Focus

7. do your prefer jobs which require you to travel a lot or those that don’t?

I prefer jobs without many business trips.
Actually ,the business trip is not a burden for me but it will occupy the time and energy for me to stay with my families. Because I’m a person who are very keen about spending leisure time and share our happiness with families and friends. So if a job with a lot a travel, I don’t like it.

But I know the business trip is an essential movement for a financial job or consulting job , I won’t treat it like a burden but a task to complete.

Although the job without many business trip, so which means I maybe won’t have many business opportunities to travel. But I will have a lot of time to stay with my families ,the business trip is only traveling by my own, but if I will have time to stay with my families and friends ,I will spend time with them to travel all over the world. So I prefer to spend the time with my families and friends to travel.

5.many cities have problems with traffic congestion. what do you think a city should do to deal with traffic jams and why?

Many cities have problems with traffic jams. Well there is no space to build a new traffic system or add additional roads with the increasing number of cars.
So how to reduce the number of cars running is at a definite period , it’s the key problem need us to approach.
So I think how to reduce the number of cars is the main problem, which could be broken into two methods to approach. The first is to limit the number of cars running on the road ,which is to limit the cars by different number. And we could reorganize the routine or roads of different group of cars.
The second method is to reorganize different group of cars like the public transportation and private cars running on different roads.
Another method is to motivate or encourage people to take the public transportation and reduce private cars running.
And the most effective way is to redesign the traffic system ,but it’s a very big project and it will last a long time. So I think it’s the ultimate method to deal with the traffic jams.
6. what influences young people the most, their family or their friends?

At different stage of our life, our families and friends will have different impact or influence. When we are children, we spent a lot of time with our parents and families, their education from the families is very important for a little child to grow ,he will study his parents’ life value and viewpoint to treat the world.

And there is saying which is the parents are the best teacher for a child.
Well when we step into society, we leave our families or spend less time with our families. we will encounter some friends who are helpful and cheerful for our life. Then we will share our value and viewpoint to treat this world and how to deal with the daily things. We will see other families’ education and routine.

Therefore ,the families and our friends are all the valuable people we should treat importantly ,because they have helped us to form the right and positive value to live our life