VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


I had a roommate before – I used to have a roommate

she was seriously – she was a serious mother 

I have no enough time to see himI don’t have enough time to see him 

why can’t you stay with me?


he looks older – what you see
he seems older – what you feel
eg. you look really beautiful today / you look like a nice person
eg2. you seem like a mature woman / you seem unhappy these days

he seems older than he actually is

yesterday night last night 

install / set up – an zhuang
eg. I installed the door myself

power drill (automatic) / screwdriver (manual)

instructions – jie shao

closet / wardrobe – yi chu
eg. I put all my clothes in the closet

mature < > immature
eg. he seems really mature

protein powder – dan bai fen

diet – jian fei – a healthy plan of the food you eat
eg. I’m on a diet

watch your diet – control the things you eat
eg. my dr told me to watch my diet / watch what I eat

carbs / carbohydrate – tan shui hua he wu

bento box – a simple balanced meal
eg. I usually have bento boxes for lunch

Jesse’s secret to happiness 


let = allow = you want to do it / planned
get = ask = you’re ok / you should do it
make = force = you don’t want to do it / effect

My mum lets me play computer games 😀
My boss gets me to reply to his emails quickly / Jesse gets me to read the writing on the screen 😐
My mum makes me do my homework 🙁