VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


introduction: work, education, experience (how it has prepared you for this MBA / why you need this MBA), want to do, contributions / awards, strengths + weaknesses,

qualification – pieces of paper that show you can do sth

weakness: lack of qualifications

strengths: communication skills / aggressive sales management approach

solve (v) / solution (n)


appetite – how much you want to eat
eg. I have a big appetite = I want to eat a lot

social network – the people around you that you interact with / deal with
eg. I have a big social network

keep advancing myself – improving + higher level

if 2 staff members are having a problem with each other, and they’re creating a bad environment what would you do?

cause – the thing that made something happen
eg. I need to find the cause of the problem  / I need to find out what causes the problem

atmosphere – qi fen – the feeling of the environment
eg. I think SE has a really nice and professional environment

peacemaker – sb who makes peace between people

function – zhi neng
department – bu men


at night have the drinking he was drinking all night / he drank all night 

in time – before it’s too late!
on time – not late
eg. I ran to get the bus but I couldn’t arrive in time.
eg2. I think staff should always be on time.

him or her / he or she  


experience – ecks peer ree yenss 

luxury – lucks zhuurrr reee