VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

3. Nowadays, many people find their social network on the internet. Do you think it is a positive trend?

A: It’s definitely a positive trend. The networking apps make the communication and relationship more convenient and easier.

• The networking online expand the limitation of region. If you have an account, you would get connection with people far away.
• You would expand daily social scope to get exposed to strangers who can’t be touched without social apps.

So the online networking has diversified our life. The popularity also proves it’s a booming trend for the public to social online.

Well there are some people who think the social networking online is not a mature mode to build connection and relationship with the people online.
Because they believe a solid relationship or connection should be based on the common social circle or some common environment to communicate.
However I believe the social networking online is a \opening gate for people to learn about others who cannot be touched social circle in our daily social circle, the expansion function of social online shouldn’t be denied.
And I think the first step to build a relationship is to get touched with others, so I think the social online give us the opportunity to go the first step to know each other.
After the first step ,there are many possibilities to go further ,you know.


door / bridge – allow you to do things
eg. I think social media can open doors for people to enlarge / expand their social networks

troll / online bully
eg. there are many online trolls that harass other people

social (n) / socialise (v)

keep touch / stay in touch / to be in touch 

i definitely believe that the policies should be..

slippery slope – it’s very easy to suddenly become a problem
eg. data collection is slippery slope

measures / methods / ways


fragile – fra jeyel

then / egg / when / hen / Ben / pen

Val / Wow

4.some people assume the leadership role during group projects, while others prefer to serve as supporting members. Which do you prefer and why?

Actually I used to take the leader responsibility during my time at university. But there is no preference to be a leader or a supporting player for me. Because whether to be a leader or just a player, I will always make efforts to contribute to our work. So there is no difference for me whether I’m the leader or not.
But based on my experience, when I’m the leader, there were always some creative ideas or some initial or original ideas supported from mine.
I didn’t pursue the leader position on purpose. Only when I have an amazing idea to support our work or only when my team players need me to be the leader , then I will take the responsibility.
I don’t like to cooperate or collaborate with aggressive guys , who are very passionate about the leader position. or didn’t have any idea but just enjoy the glory of the leadership position.
A good leader is very rare.
So no matter whether I’m the leader or I’m just a player, I will always contribute my logical thinking and my great idea and my efforts to my team.

take initiative – to take the leadership role
eg. I try to take initiative and take action first / initiate contact with clients

on purpose < > accidentally

go out of my way / specifically try to do it / volunteer
eg. I don’t go out of my way to be the leader but if it’s given to me, i’ll take it

players – participants / team members 

linking / connecting sounds

Next Class Focus

5.many cities have problems with traffic congestion. what do you think a city should do to deal with traffic jams and why?

Many cities have problems with traffic jams. Well there is no space to build a new traffic system or add additional roads with the increasing number of cars.
So how to reduce the number of cars running is at a definite period , it’s the key problem need us to approach.
So I think how to reduce the number of cars is the main problem, which could be broken into two methods to approach. The first is to limit the number of cars running on the road ,which is to limit the cars by different number. And we could reorganize the routine or roads of different group of cars.
The second method is to reorganize different group of cars like the public transportation and private cars running on different roads.
Another method is to motivate or encourage people to take the public transportation and reduce private cars running.
And the most effective way is to redesign the traffic system ,but it’s a very big project and it will last a long time. So I think it’s the ultimate method to deal with the traffic jams.