VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


there is some emergency must be deal with there are some emergencies that must be dealt with 

i have much other works to doI have a lot of work to do 

bow to me


i’m in a hurry / i’m too rushed – to do sth too fast
eg. they said I was in too much of a hurry

minimum – lowest < > maximum – highest
eg. the minimum amount of time I need to arrive is 10 minutes

bear minimum – the lowest possible amount
eg. I just do the bear minimum at work

burn out – to get super tired after working too much for too long
eg. I don’t want to burn out, so I try to relax more these days

I will sit in the upstairs ward / I was upstairs 

go upstairs < > go downstairs
I am upstairs < > I am downstairs

pager – a device you use to get contacted at the hospital

it will contact the patient it will touch the patient / make contact with the patient 

mid 20s – 24-26
early 20s – 20-23
he was in his late 20s – 27-29 years old

bunch – a few

clot – when blood gets together and stops moving
eg. I have a blood clot in my leg
eg2. the blood clots

if they have a bloody nose / if their nose is bleeding