VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Focus on longer sentences and also using conjunctions at both the start and/or middle of the sentences. Try to make sure that every idea has some details like reason, result, which….


kids = children 

I drove from the meeting location / destination / place 

how far away is it? 
2 hours by car

at least 2 hours

detention – when the teachers make you stay in the classroom to do homework etc
eg. his teacher sent him to detention that afternoon

mature < > immature
eg. He is starting to mature as he gets older

he should arrive at average – he should reach the average / get 

extracurricular activities / classes

repercussion – negative consequences / result
eg. what are the repercussions if he fails a test? he get grounded

independent thoughts / mind / think for himself 


feel optional (to creates distance)
I need to do
I want to do
I have to do

feel like facts
I can do
I should do
I must do

some of the schools in SH
some SH schools / some schools in SH 

some people
some of the people
some of the people in China

I am the same as you
I have the same opinion with youI have the same opinion as you 

my father was go to America – My father went to America

the education about child the education for child 

homework is too much to me the homework is too much for me 

so many homework – so much homework 

I am good to you – what I’m doing when you’re the object
I am good for you – reason (noun) – result / effect