VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Review last 2 classes at least.


cheap / stingy – negative words for people who don’t want to spend money
eg. he’s a really stingy person / he’s so cheap
eg2. he’s cheap when it comes to dating / other people

selfish with his money

taken / spoken for – sb who’s in a relationship
eg. that guy is taken / that guy is spoken for

failure (n)
fail (v)
eg. I think failure is important in life / I don’t enjoy failing

ambitious (adj)
ambition (n)
eg. I’ve always been a really ambitious person

6th sense 

diabetes – die a bee teas – tang niao bing – a bee drank some tea and died

napkin – think of another word “nap” .. and “king”

take initiative – to do sth without waiting for others to give you an idea / have your own idea and do it
eg. I’m the type of person who always takes initiative


initial = “in nish shal”
initiative = “in nish sha tiv”

obvious = obv vee yus 


prove to him
I want to prove myself to him

spend money to himselfspend money on himself / spend time on himself 

he haven’t a big mind he doesn’t have big ideas

my VP wants me to do it

I hug you / I kiss you – direct
I talk – no object
I talk to you – directed to you