VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


the wizard of oz

wizard is a magic man
witch is a magic woman (evil)

the witch rides on a broomstick 

a major in civil engineering

emergency = emerge + urgent – sth that comes out and is important to fix immediately

I triggered him / he got triggered by what I said

troll (v) – to be mean to sb online for fun
eg. he was trolling the victims online

finally – it happened at the end / in the end
eventually – feels like a longer time, but it happened in the end

eg. whatever the eventuation, I will accept it

swear – swore 

toll – the number of sth / measured
eg. the death toll is increasing

to take off – to suddenly leave
eg. he took off in a huff – he left very angrily

block – a big thing that stops you

blacklist – to stop sb from contacting you
block – to stop sth from accessing sth else
eg. I blacklisted Summer from SE so she can’t be a student anymore, and I blocked her on WeChat so she can’t contact me.

access – to get to sth
connect – to become linked / join sth

contact – to touch sth / direct

cap – top

capture / captive / captivity 
eg. I captured the criminal who spent a year in captivity (jail) as a captive (criminal who is in jail).

capture – take and keep

inmate – captive criminal

I captured the footage of the football game
I captured some great photos of the wedding

put sth first – to consider it the most important


Reuters – roytersÂ