VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


ex-phoneold phone / previous phone

signal / reception – xin hao
eg. i had no reception so i couldn’t receive any phone calls

gadget – a technological tool / device

work out – jian shen
run out – mei you le

broken – sth that doesn’t work
eg. my phone was broken so I bought a new one

case – the outside part of sth to protect it

fluent – only used for speech / communicating in a language
eg. I am fluent in Chinese – I can speak smoothly and communicate easily

my phone wasn’t running well – working smoothly / well
eg. my phone wasn’t running well so I got a newer, faster one

it wasn’t fast enough / it was too slow 

pocket-dial – to accidentally call someone on your phone
eg. I pocket-dialed my friends while I was out

leash – the long rope from a dog’s neck
eg. the leash was tied to the door handle

progression – the changing process / improvement

dumb it down – to make sth simpler
eg. I need to dumb it down so they can understand it

unpredictable < > predictable
eg. his behavior is very unpredictable

she was fired from doing admin work

palliative – care to make you comfortable without curing you


on next Tuesdaynext Tuesday

I have much work too much / a lot of 


calm – “carm” 

samsung – “sam sung”