VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Next Class Focus

Ask about the switch! Review last class’ speaking.

Rocket League – play this game!


I put so many timesI spend a lot of

you can buy it on Osaka – in Osaka 


time / put so much time into sth
eg. I try to put a lot of time into studying but sometimes I spend too much time playing games!

controller – the thing you hold to play games

highest < > lowest score

dock – the thing you put the switch in to charge it / connect to tv

plug it in – lian jie
eg. I plugged the USB cable in

2nd hand – sb bought it and used it then sold it

graphics – the look of the video in a game
eg. GTA V has amazing graphics

telepathy – to communicate mentally / with our brains

eg. they created a model to allow the controllers to connect to become a bigger single controller
eg. I put my phone into silent mode

Union Pay – chinese bank cards

pirate – to steal games / music / videos…. online

Nintendo – ren tian tang

respawn / spawn – to come back alive
eg. I died but after 10 seconds I respawned