VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


eg. she suffers because of her homework / her homework makes her suffer

reading comprehension – to read and answer questions about it

imaginative / she has a vivid imagination / has a good imagination

exciting / excited 
eg. she was excited because it was exciting 

I gave birth to my daughter
My daughter was born

I used to not like kids = I didn’t like kids
I like kids now

I can knowI am able to know / I learned / I found out

I knew – sth you knew before but don’t know now (often used with people)

well behaved – do good things / listen to teacher < > naughty – do bad things / ignore teacher


the teacher don’t teach words / she don’t let me to throw anything – doesn’t 

I don’t
you don’t
she doesn’t
he doesn’t 

my work was very busy – past
my work is very busy – now

how to sayhow do you say?

when we went Taiwan we go toWhen we went to Taiwan, we went to … 

prepare for the interview and search for the job (the reason you’re preparing and the reason you’re searching is to find a job and to do the interview)
prepare the interview – to make it (direct)

talk to you
tell you
hug you